Vector Geometries from Repeatables
Assume you have a repeatable field called vector_vertices
with location enabled, location required, and a minimum count set to 2. Every repeatable record will act as a vector node or vertex and we can use calculation fields to combine all of these vertices into a well-known text (WKT) geometry object field at the parent record level.
Line Geometry:
var coords = [];
if ($vector_vertices) {
for (var i = 0; i < $vector_vertices.length; ++i) {
coords.push($vector_vertices[i].geometry.coordinates[0] + ' ' + $vector_vertices[i].geometry.coordinates[1]);
SETRESULT('LINESTRING (' + coords + ')');
} else {
Polygon Geometry:
var coords = [];
if ($vector_vertices && $vector_vertices.length > 2) {
for (var i = 0; i < $vector_vertices.length; ++i) {
coords.push($vector_vertices[i].geometry.coordinates[0] + ' ' + $vector_vertices[i].geometry.coordinates[1]);
coords.push($vector_vertices[0].geometry.coordinates[0] + ' ' + $vector_vertices[0].geometry.coordinates[1]);
SETRESULT('POLYGON ((' + coords + '))');
} else {
To view the polygon vector geometries in CARTO, you could use the following SQL query, where polygon_wkt
is the name of the calculation field and repeatable_vector_geometries
is the name of the table:
SELECT cartodb_id, ST_Transform (ST_GeomFromText(polygon_wkt, 4326), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator FROM repeatable_vector_geometries
NOTE With the release of the Lines and Polygons feature, you can now set a record's geometry to a Polygon
or LineString
, which allows you to view these geometry types from within Fulcrum
Updated about 2 months ago