The LOADFORM function initializes and returns a form object from a specified form identifier, allowing access to its properties and methods. This is useful for programmatically interacting with other forms within your application.
Tip: Use LOADFORM to programmatically interact with other forms within your application.

  • options object (required) - An object containing the parameters for the function.
    • name string (optional) - The name of the form to load.
    • id string (optional) - The ID of the form to load. This can be used as an alternative to name.
  • callback function (required) - A function that gets called once the form is loaded.
    • error object (optional) - An error object if the loading fails.
    • result object (required) - An object containing the loaded form.
      - form object - The form object representing the loaded form.


// Example of loading another form schema and displaying an alert with the form name LOADFORM({ name: 'Some Reference Form' }, function (error, result) { if (error) { // Handle the error console.error('Failed to load form:', error); } else { // Access the loaded form object var form = result.form; // Display an alert with the form name ALERT(`Loaded ${form.name} schema`); } });


The LOADFORM function is typically used when you need to interact with or manipulate other forms programmatically. This can be useful for schema validation, or any other scenario where access to another form's properties and methods is required.
For example, you might use this functionality to load a reference form's schema to validate data against its structure or to dynamically create forms based on existing templates.

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