Set the allowable status values for a record.


The SETSTATUSFILTER function allows for dynamic filtering of the available status options. This is similar to SETCHOICEFILTER except it operates on the status field. Using this function it's possible to change the available status options by user role or any other data conditions on record.


statuses Array,null (required) - The allowable status values for the record, or null to restore the original options


// Sets the allowable status values for the record to be 'inspection_pending' or 'in_inspection'
SETSTATUSFILTER(['inspection_pending', 'in_inspection']);
// Unsets any previous status filters and allows any status to be selected for the record
// Sets the allowable status values for the record to be 'inspection_pending' or 'in_inspection' for Standard Users
ON('load-record', function(event) {
  if (ROLE() === 'Standard User') {
    SETSTATUSFILTER(['inspection_pending', 'in_inspection']);