Display a question to the user with an "Okay" or "Cancel" response and a callback to respond to the result.


CONFIRM displays a message to the user and allows a callback function that will be invoked to respond to the result of the question.




title String (required) - A short title for the alert

message String (required) - The message content for the alert

callback function (required) - invoked when the message box is dismissed


Basic example.

CONFIRM('Confirm', 'You have selected a critical safety violation. Are you sure?', function (result) { if (result.value === 'Okay') { // Selected Okay } else { // Selected Cancel } });

Example seen in GIF animation.

ON('change', 'violations_observed', function(event) { if (CHOICEVALUE($violations_observed) == 'Critical violation(s)') { CONFIRM('Confirm', 'You have selected a critical safety violation. Are you sure?', function(result) { if (result.value === 'Cancel') { SETVALUE('violations_observed', null); } }); } });

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