Display a message box with configurable title, message, buttons and optional text input.
MESSAGEBOX displays a message to the user. You can provide both the title and message of the alert box. Using the buttons
parameter you can specify the button titles that are displayed in the message box.
Object (required) - The options for the message box
function (required) - invoked when the message box is dismissed
Basic example.
MESSAGEBOX({title: 'Confirm', message: 'You have selected a critical safety violation. Are you sure?', buttons: ['Yes', 'No']}, function (result) {
if (result.value === 'Yes') {
// Selected Yes
} else {
// Selected No
Example seen in GIF animation.
ON('change', 'violations_observed', function(event) {
if (CHOICEVALUE($violations_observed) == 'Critical violation(s)') {
var options = {
title: 'Question',
message: 'Does this violation require dispatching a supervisor?',
buttons: ['Yes, immediately', 'Yes, when possible', 'No', 'N/A'],
input: true,
placeholder: 'Enter a comment about the violation'
MESSAGEBOX(options, function(result) {
if (result.input) {
SETVALUE('violation_comment', result.input);
Updated 11 months ago