Format Text Fields

Here's a quick tutorial on how to use this custom formatting for converting text into HTML with specific tags based on control characters. This method allows you to add line breaks, lists, bold, and italic styling without needing HTML knowledge. Simply include specific markers in your text, and a JavaScript function will convert them into proper HTML elements.

Step 1: Embed the convertToHtml function

You need to embed the function within a

<script> This can be done by adding the following code snippet to your HTML page within the <script>
function convertToHtml(text) {
    // Inline processing of -- to <ul> and <li> elements
    text = text.replace(/(?:^|\n)--\s*(.*?)\s*(?=\n|$)/g, '<ul><li>$1</li></ul>');
    // Remove any consecutive <ul> tags created, maintaining only one <ul> and appending <li> items
    text = text.replace(/<\/ul>\s*<ul>/g, '');
    // Convert // to line breaks <br>
    text = text.replace(/\/\//g, '<br>');
    // Convert -*...*- to bold <strong>
    text = text.replace(/-\*(.*?)\*-/g, '<strong>$1</strong>');
    // Convert -/.../- to italic <em/>
    text = text.replace(/-\/(.*?)\/-/g, '<em/>$1</em>'); 
    return text;


  • This function will detect and replace special markers (--, //, - ...-, -/ ... /-) in the text with corresponding HTML tags like
    • ,
      , , and .
    • The function can handle multiline text, converting it into well-structured HTML that supports lists, bold, and italicized text.