Change a record's status

This example listens for changes to the inspection_date field and updates the record status to 'inspected' if a date value was entered. If the date was cleared (no value), the status reverts to the default state, 'created'.

function changeStatus(event) {
  if (event.value) {
    // There is a value, so set the status
  } else {
    // There is no value. It could have been cleared from the field.
    // Revert status to 'created'.

ON('change', 'inspection_date', changeStatus);

Another common use case is to just change the record's status any time the record is saved on the mobile device. Here we'll listen to the 'save-record' event and simply set it to 'inspected'.

function changeStatus(event) {

ON('save-record', changeStatus);

This example sets the status of a record based upon a choice list. In this example damage_type is a single choice field, which will get its values from the Status Field. On a change to damage_type the status is also changed. The damage_type field is required and the Status Field may optionally be hidden, or set to read-only to prevent users from manually overriding it.

This workflow allows you to place the status choice anywhere in your form, and supports visibility and requirement rules.

function setChoices(event) {
  // Get the array of status choice objects
  var statuses = this.form.status_field.choices;
  // Get choice labels and values
  var choices = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) {
    choices.push([statuses[i].label, statuses[i].value]);
  SETCHOICES('damage_type', choices);

function changeStatus(event) {

ON('load-record', setChoices);
ON('change', 'damage_type', changeStatus);