Adds an amount of time to a given time


startTimeField String (required) - The time field containing the start time

amount Number (required) - The amount of time to add to the given time (number of minutes or hours)

format String (optional) [default = 'hours'] - The format of the amount. Either hours (default) or minutes.


String - the new time value


TIMEADD('09:00', 8)

// returns "17:00"
TIMEADD('17:00', -8)

// returns "09:00"
TIMEADD('09:00', 48)

// returns "09:00"
TIMEADD('16:00', 1.5)

// returns "17:30"
TIMEADD('16:00', 90, 'minutes')

// returns "17:30"
TIMEADD('16:00', -90, 'minutes')

// returns "14:30"