Format Date

Format date to dd/mm/yyyy for the cover page metadata

Add the following code to the end of SCRIPT section:

function euroDate(date){
  let d = new Date(date);
  return d.toGMTString();

Then replace all FORMATDATE (there are four of them) in the BODY section with this new function, euroDate:


EU Date format

Format date to dd/mm/yyyy for the date field

Add the following code to the end of SCRIPT section:

function formatDate(date) {
  let newDate = new Date(JSON.stringify(date));
  let newFormat = LPAD(newDate.getDate(), 2, '0') + '-' + LPAD(newDate.getMonth()+1, 2, '0') + '-' + newDate.getFullYear();
  return newFormat;

Then add the following code just before the very last <% } else { %> in the BODY section:

<% } else if (element.type == "DateTimeField") { %>
      <div class='field'>
          <h2 class='field-label'><%= element.label %></h2>
          <div class='field-value pre'><%= formatDate(value) %></div>

date time field