Fulcrum Query Functions

In addition to the standard PostgreSQL & PostGIS functions, there are several Fulcrum-specific helper functions for formatting data and handling media attachments.


FCM_ConvertToFloat(input_value text) RETURNS double precision

FCM_ConvertToFloat('1.2')   -- 1.2
FCM_ConvertToFloat('1000')  -- 1000
FCM_ConvertToFloat('a')     -- NULL

Convert a textual value to a floating point value. This function is similar to a cast, except it gracefully fails to NULL when the input cannot be converted to a number. This is useful for text data that's mostly numbers but might have some invalid values in it.


FCM_FormatTimestamp(ts timestamp without time zone, tz text DEFAULT 'UTC') RETURNS text

Convert a timestamp to a different time zone. This is useful for localizing your timestamps to your own time zone. The tz argument is a string representing the time zone to use. This string can be in any format supported by the PostgreSQL AT TIME ZONE construct.

SELECT FCM_FormatTimestamp(current_timestamp, 'EST');                -- Eastern Standard Time
SELECT FCM_FormatTimestamp(current_timestamp, 'EDT');                -- Eastern Daylight-Saving Time
SELECT FCM_FormatTimestamp(current_timestamp, '-04:00');            -- 4 hours behind UTC
SELECT FCM_FormatTimestamp(current_timestamp, '-05:00');            -- 5 hours behind UTC
SELECT FCM_FormatTimestamp(current_timestamp, 'America/New_York');  -- New York time, either EST or EDT depending on the timestamp

The above examples show some of the ways the function can be used. The last form using America/New_York is the most useful because it takes into account the changes in the timezones given the exact timestamp. For example, New York is sometimes on EST and sometimes on EDT.

FCM_Photo (single)

FCM_Photo(id text, version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file

  • id The photo ID
  • version (optional, default NULL) The photo version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • 'large' (jpg)
    • 'thumb' (jpg)

Returns a photo URL in the output for a single photo.

The following will return a secure URL directly to the raw file, using its ID.

SELECT FCM_Photo('c515f1d6-e882-4027-9e5c-11e44b4c181c', 'thumb') AS photo_url;

The following will return a secure URL directly to the raw file for the second photo in a particular record.

SELECT FCM_Photo(photo_field[2], 'large') AS photo_url FROM "Building Inspections" WHERE _record_id='69daadc7-f68c-4c7c-8b40-7d9ea9e6d6c5';

The following will return secure URLs directly to the raw files for the first photos of all records in a table.

SELECT FCM_Photo(photo_field[1], 'thumb') AS photo_urls FROM "Building Inspections";

FCM_Photo (multiple)

FCM_Photo(ids text[], version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file[]

  • ids An array of photo IDs, this works naturally with the way photo fields are stored.
  • version (optional, default NULL) The photo version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • 'large' (jpg)
    • 'thumb' (jpg)

Returns an array of photo URLs in the output.

The following will return secure URLs directly to the raw files. The consumer of the output needs to be able to handle multiple URLs.

SELECT FCM_Photo(unnest(photo_field), 'thumb') AS photo_urls FROM "Building Inspections";

Here we useunnest to expand an array to a set of rows.

FCM_Video (single)

FCM_Video(id text, version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file

  • id The video ID
  • version (optional, default NULL) The video version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • small (mp4)
    • medium (mp4)
    • preview_small (gif)
    • preview_medium (gif)
    • thumbnail_small (jpg)
    • thumbnail_medium (jpg)
    • thumbnail_large (jpg)
    • thumbnail_huge (jpg)
    • thumbnail_small_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_medium_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_large_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_huge_square (jpg)

Returns video URLs in the output for a single video.

The following will return a secure URL directly to the raw file.

SELECT FCM_Video(video_field[1]) AS video_url FROM "Building Inspections";

FCM_Video (multiple)

FCM_Video(ids text[], version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file[]

  • ids The video IDs
  • version (optional, default NULL) The video version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • small (mp4)
    • medium (mp4)
    • preview_small (gif)
    • preview_medium (gif)
    • thumbnail_small (jpg)
    • thumbnail_medium (jpg)
    • thumbnail_large (jpg)
    • thumbnail_huge (jpg)
    • thumbnail_small_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_medium_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_large_square (jpg)
    • thumbnail_huge_square (jpg)

Returns video URLs in the output for multiple videos.

The following will return secure URLs directly to the raw video files.

SELECT FCM_Video(video_field) AS video_urls FROM "Building Inspections";

FCM_Audio (single)

FCM_Audio(id text, version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file

  • id The audio ID
  • version (optional, default NULL) The audio version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • small (m4a)
    • medium (m4a)

Returns audio URLs in the output for a single audio file.

The following will return a secure URL directly to the raw audio file.

SELECT FCM_Audio(audio_field[1]) AS audio_url FROM "Building Inspections";

FCM_Audio (multiple)

FCM_Audio(ids text[], version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file[]

  • ids The audio IDs
  • version (optional, default NULL) The audio version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • small (m4a)
    • medium (m4a)

Returns audio URLs in the output for multiple audio files.

The following will return secure URLs directly to the raw audio files.

SELECT FCM_Audio(audio_field) AS audio_urls FROM "Building Inspections";


FCM_Signature(id text, version text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS fcm_file

  • id The signature ID
  • version (optional, default NULL) The signature version. One of:
    • NULL (original)
    • 'large' (png)
    • 'thumb' (png)

Returns a signature URL in the output for a single signature.

The following will return secure URLs directly to the raw signature files.

SELECT FCM_Signature(signature_field) AS signature_url FROM "Building Inspections";